The family

The family
The family

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gary Roger Easter.


With every moment of Joy and Happiness we must realize that we will probably have more or less, equal moments of sorrow, life has been crazily busy with good things in my life. to name a few just check my last posts. But we’ve also had our moments of sorrow and heart ach.  First let me say, I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the times I had with my brother Gary this last few months we were able to go visit him and go for a ride up Ogden Canyon, that was a nice day, we had Easter weekend with him, that was a nice time, and then he and most of his family came up and we had a family dinner together that was wonderful. here are pictures of that day.

I am so thankful for these days, and even though this may sound strange I am thankful that Gary didn’t have to suffer terribly. On Wednesday June 15th I got a call from my dear niece telling me she had found her dad in bed unresponsive, and they were rushing him in an ambulance to the hospital. I finished up what I had to get done and Grant and I and Ben and my brother Alan drove to Davis County hospital in UT. There Gary had on a oxygen mask that was pushing oxygen into his lungs. This was done so that his son could possible have a chance to get there before Gary left us.  There were no guarantees but it was all we could do. I am so thankful that we were able to stay the night with my brother and comfort him as much as we could and allow his kids to take their kids home and still know that someone who loved Gary was with him. As time passed Gary stayed with us through the night and into the next day. but he had a more important job to do and left us just before our Shane was able to get there and say goodbye to his dad. Now I want it understood. that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Gary heard his sons goodbye. I know his spirit was in that room with us and his body to hear our cry’s and goodbyes. And I know he loves us for them.

Gary Roger Easter was born on July 31 1948 and  died on June 16th 2011  he was a kind loving brother. who spoiled me as a child.  Gary’s funeral was beautiful the kids did a great job. and the military rights were so impressive. Gary would have been proud.   


Side note, the day we buried my brother my son Benjamin F. Egley left for Basic training in the Army National Guard. needless to say it was a very hard day for me. 

Another Side note. the same day we buried Gary my dear sweet sister Marilyenn and her husband David Miles found out that David has 4th stage colon and liver cancer he went into surgery that Friday where they removed part of his colon he will soon start Chemo Therapy. Let’s just say it was a really crummy week. but I know God is mindful of us and will never leave us alone when we need him.  

1 comment:

  1. I just read about Gary and my eyes are filled with tears once again. I am glad he did not have to suffer really bad too. I know what it is like to lose someone the way that Gary passed away. I am thankful for the times that I spent with him in my life time. I am sorry to hear about David. I will keep all of you in my prayers. I still think of Gary often and I am sure he heard Shane tell him goodbye. I believe his spirit was there just as you do. love to all of you. Sandy
