The family

The family
The family

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Sometimes the pattern of life seems a little monotonous-and discouraging. It is like climbing a mountain and, after reaching the top, getting knocked back down to the bottom to climb it again: But if the climb wasn’t challenging and if we didn’t have to re-climb some times, how in the world would we learn how strong we may become, and come to realize how much our Savior and Father in Heaven love us? If it were easy all the time then at the end or  when we reached the top of the mountain, would the view and the accomplishment be as sweet? I don’t think so. We must look for the beauty or joy  when life becomes the roughest. It may be difficult but not imposable.100_2622 (Medium)

Life, believe, is not a dream. So dark, as sages say; Oft a little morning rain Foretells a pleasant day.

Charlotte Bronte, “Life,” 1846, st.1  

I’ve missed a few days of thoughts but that's ok, It’s been a busy few days. Wednesday was Family History day, and Thursday I went and babysat for Chet and Stacy while they went car hunting. I took Isaac with me so he and Justin could play together. I think They had a great time together.  Clayton managed a great milestone that day. I was wearing glasses that he really wanted so he worked really hard to reach up and grab them, once he realized he could do it he kept taking my glasses off while I was holding him and reading. it may not seem like much but that was a large accomplishment for our Clayton. I am so proud of him. Then that same day Grant was getting the Cat out to doze the cow pens out and he tore his bicep muscle in his right arm. I’m glad Jared was there to help him when he needed it. Friday we went to the Dr but the Dr said it would heal and there was nothing they would do to fix it. so he’s going to be sore for a few weeks. After that I went to Pocatello to do my Grocery shopping and Ben helped his dad with the water tank in the cow pens to get them ready for calving,  Which leads to today. We needed to move the two bulls and a cow today and get things moved around so Chet and Stacy came up and Jared and Sativa came down and the boys help Grant with the cattle and Stacy and Sativa helped me get Bens Photo’s in order for his Scrap Book. Then we had dinner together. so it was a good day with part of the family.

It has been a hard few days though, My brother Gary has not been  feeling well and just before Christmas he ended up in the hospital with fluid in the lining of his lungs. The Dr’s drained it off and put him on antibiotics but he didn’t get better. so the first of this week after having his fluid drained 2 more times they put him i the hospital again and ran tests. they really didn't find much so they transported him to Salt Lake Regional Medical Center. The Dr there took him into exploratory surgery yesterday. When the Dr. came out he told Gary’s girls, Shannon and Melissa that it didn’t look good for Gary. There was a large mass and lots of nodules but we have to wait for the tests to come back to tell us more about if it’s cancer and what kind.  He hasn’t had much happiness in his life  other than his kids, and now he is enjoying being retired and having his kids around him with his 4 grandkids, Kennelly, Ivey, Sterling, and Ian. We love him so much and we don’t want him to have to face something like this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling emotional tongiht and am not handling the stress of life very well and just wanted to tell you. Mom, I love you and don't know what I'd do without you. You're such a strong person who has had such a hard year. I'm proud of you for being who you are.
