The family

The family
The family

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Went to the temple with George and Carolyn

Grant and I had an awesome morning at the Logan temple with Grants cousin and his sweet wife George and Carolyn Egley.  We love them and are so happy that they are sealed for time and all eternity. and not just until death do you part. The gospel of Jesus Christ offers so much to live for, not only in this life but in the life to come.  Chet and Stacy came as well and we enjoyed having lunch with them. I love spending time with my kids and I don't feel I get down to Chet and Stacy's enough and I don’t get to visit with my Chet very often since I am usually down there during the day when he is at work. So I   really enjoyed the day and the opportunity to visit with him as well as Stacy.  Amy and David were going to come but the weather was really bad last night and the roads were bad this morning so they decide not to risk driving clear down to Logan without 4 wheel drive. I think they used good judgment but I missed them. Then I came home and had a great nap since I was up at 4am to go to the temple. Life doesn't get any better.

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1 comment:

  1. I was super sad to miss it but I'm so glad you all were able to be there to support them in such a special and important decision.
