The family

The family
The family

Monday, February 21, 2011

Keeping busy

So now I have filled you in on what Ben has been up to I let you know what I have been up to. I’ve mostly been not feeling well with a bad flue bug or something for the past two weeks besides helping Ben. But I am over that now and life goes on. this last weekend I was very sick with my ulcer. I ruptured my stomach lining when I was pregnant with Mathew and ruptured it again when I was pregnant with Ben and It gives me fits every so often. this weekend was one of those times. So I've been choosing what I eat very carefully and drinking Mylanta. But I’m not going to let it slow me down much. so Saturday I was feeling a little better so Grant and I went for a drive up to Jackson Wyoming for lunch and then came home over Teton pass then over Pine creek pass to Swan Valley and then to Idaho Falls, we stopped at an antique store that I have been wanting to stop at for a long time and of cores we had to stop at Sportsman's Warehouse. An Egley Man can not go to Idaho Falls without stopping at Sportsman’s Warehouse. I must admit it is an interesting store if your there for just a little while but I do get board if we stay too long. The antique store was very interesting. they had a dresser that I really want to buy.  Then Sunday i was sick again so I stayed home from church and drank Mylanta.

Well that's how my weekend was, it would have been great if it had not been for the ulcer. The rest of these past few weeks have been spent working on Family history and quilting a baby quilt for Matt and Alice’s new little one. They say they are gong to name him Bryan Grant Egley. It’s a nice name and it’s after both of his grandfathers. I’ll post pictures of the quilt when I have it finished. Sativa helped me put it on and quilted on in for an afternoon, and Alice and her mom Kay Lee came and quilted on it one morning.

On another note, Carolyn Egley called this last week and said that she and George are going through the Temple this next Saturday. They invited us to go with them. We are thrilled for them.

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